The capital of the province of Alberta in Canada is Edmonton, but the most important city is Calgary, home to just under 1.5 million people and hundreds of animal species including deer, prairie dogs, moose, bobcats, badgers, beavers, foxes, coyotes, but there are also black bears in Nose Hill Park?
Calgary offers more than 8500 hectares of parks and natural areas, as well as more than 1000 km of trails according to the city’s website, and one of its largest natural areas is Nose Hill Park, located in the northwest of the city surrounded by 12 communities in an area of 11 square kilometers dedicated to conservation and passive recreation.
Exploring Nose Hill Park
There is nothing more exhilarating than a morning walk through Nose Hill Park to start the day, after a few minutes of hiking, as you ascend the trails, from the top of the mountain you can see wonderful scenery, from the towering Rocky Mountains with their ever snow-capped peaks to the west, the Bow River Valley and the broad plains to the east.
But don’t be confused, this is not an example of deforestation, it is one of the most significant examples of this grassland ecosystem remaining in the Canadian prairies. The alternation, between grasslands and small wooded patches, provides shelter tailored to the various species that can accompany the walk at any time of day, but if your main objective is to observe the wildlife of the place, you can do it preferably early in the morning or when the last rays of the sun are dismissed behind the Rocky Mountains.
The Importance of Conservation
Frequent encounters with deer and coyotes are not uncommon, and if you are on your lucky day, you may see the elusive Northern Pocket Squaw or their main predators, badgers. Also Swainson’s hawks and other raptors prowl the skies in search of prey, especially rodents, but in an area surrounded by 12 different communities crowded with humans again begs the question, Black Bears in Nose Hill Park, Calgary?
Everything seems to indicate that there is indeed the presence of at least one individual of the species Ursus americanus in Nose Hill Park northwest of the most important city in the province of Alberta. The discovery of fresh feces with a variety of seeds and berries characteristic of the diet of these large omnivores at this time of year suggests so.
Indicators of Black Bear Presence
According to Alberta’s BearSmart Program, “Human activities have become more frequent in bear territory. As a result, bear habitats have become more fragmented and encounters between bears and humans more common. Encounters between bears and people may have unfortunate consequences for both the bears and people involved. Though quite rare, bear attacks can injure or even kill a human. If this happens, the bear will likely be found and destroyed”.
In natural environments it is essential to understand that we share space with animals different from other human beings and that they have the right to a harmonious and peaceful coexistence, so it is terribly sad that thanks to our bad habits, animals must be destroyed or at least be relocated. Leaving food waste or other types of garbage is harmful to animals, that is why we must be very careful when enjoying natural environments.
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Discoveries in Wildlife
Wildlife is very attractive to hikers, but it is advisable to keep your distance and in case of an encounter with one of these wonderful animals it is important to follow the indications of the official pages of wildlife in Canada, move away slowly without turning your back to the bear, preferably in profile, make a lot of noise in order to let the bear know that you have noticed its presence, drop the food that you carry with you and that may interest the animal, in case you are near a car it is better to hide under it than inside it and finally, if it is a bear with its cubs and it is ready to charge you, it is advisable to play dead.

Periodista ambiental y de conservación colombiano, actualmente residente en Canadá.
…thanks for your thoughts on Nose Hill. I spend a lot of time on the wildlife trails there and, it’s always interesting to see other peoples’ perspective…
A couple of thoughts on your article: “Squaw” is a pejorative term for indigenous women. The animal you were trying to describe is likely a Northern Pocket Gopher.
Also, without a photo, it’s difficult to ascertain whether the “fresh feces” you refer to is, in fact, bear scat. Coyotes do include seeds and berries in their diet as the season turns towards winter. And, unlike other natural areas in Calgary (such as the Weaselhead, Griffith Woods, Fish Creek Park etc), Nose Hill does not offer natural corridors to encourage bears to travel into the area.